2016年林牧师等的讲道 Sermons by
Pastor Lim and Others
- 2016-12-25 來自(和給)東方的博士的啟迪 Lessons from (and to) Wise Men from the East, 林偉雄 (录音)
- 2016-12-18 來自牧羊人的啟迪Lessons from Shepherds, Rev. Clark (录音)
- 2016-12-11 我心尊主為大—困境中的贊美 My Heart Magnify the Lord - Praise in Difficult Time, 林偉雄 (录音)
- 2016-12-04 及至時候滿足All in Good Time, Rev. Clark (录音)
- 2016-11-27 國度的盼望 The Hope of Kingdom, 姜祖忠(录音)
- 2016-11-20 主的禱告 The Lord's Prayer, Pastor Steve Grace(录音1),(录音2)
- 2016-11-13 以耶穌基督為元首的教會 Christ Is the Head of Church
- 2016-11-06 主要再來 - 你預備好了嗎?(二)Jesus Is Coming - Have You Prepared? (2) (录音)
- 2016-10-30 你要保守你的心之七:敬畏的心 Guard Your Heart (VII):A Humble Heart, 錢雲(录音)
- 2016-10-23 主要再來 - 你預備好了嗎?(一)Jesus Is Coming - Have You Prepared? (1) (录音)
- 2016-10-09 務要持守真理2 Hold to the Truth II (录音)
- 2016-10-02 不以為恥 Not Ashamed, Rev. Clark (录音)
- 2016-09-25 不見一人,只見耶穌 No One except Jesus, 林偉雄 (录音)
- 2016-09-18 靈命成長中的突破(二) Growth of Spiritual Life - Breakthroughs (2), 郭牧師 (录音)
- 2016-09-11 作主忠心的僕人 Be God’s Faithful Servant, 孟寶松牧師 (录音)
- 2016 退修会 Church Retreat, 莊祖鯤牧师
- 2016-09-02 夢蝶-破繭而出 (录音), (录像)
- 2016-09-03 更新的教会事奉 (录音), (录像)
- 2016-09-04 更新的人际关系 (录音), (录像)
- 2016-09-04 更新的属灵生命 (录音), (录像)
- 2016-09-05 更新的家庭关系 (录音), (录像)
- 2016-08-28 靈命成長中的突破 Growth of Spiritual Life - Breakthroughs, 郭牧師 (录音)
- 2016-08-21 認識神的愛 — 從"我要" 到 "我願意” Knowing the Love of God From “Willfulness” to “Willingness”, 錢衛軍 (录音), (PPT)
- 2016-08-14 務要持守真理 Be Hold the Truth (录音)
- 2016-08-07 你們的心是否信得太遲鈍了? Is your heart slow to believe? (录音)
- 2016-07-31 三件生命中重要的事 The Three Important Things about Life (录音)
- 2016-07-24 神掌權的新天新地 God reigns in the New Heaven and New Earth (录音)
- 2016-07-17 末世最后的爭战 The last battle at the end time (录音)
- 2016-07-10 瞭解教會的使命託付 Know the commission given the church, 陈启猷牧師 (录音)
- 2016-07-03 從失望到盼望 From Disappointment to Hope (录音)
- 2016-06-26 上帝的宣教 III - 亞伯拉罕之約到大使命 The Mission of God III – The Covenant of Abraham to Great Commission,
- 2016-06-19 敬虔的父亲 The Godly Father (录音)
- 2016-06-12 活水泉源 Living Fountain (录音)
- 2016-06-05 出於污泥而不染 Growing in slushy areas and remains pure and untainted (录音)
- 2016-05-29 現今的機會 Today's opportunity (录音)
- 2016-05-22 你要保守你的心之六: 忍耐的心 Keep your heart with all diligence 6: Patience, 錢雲(录音)
- 2016-05-15 宣教應有的四大突破 Mission: The four breakthrough needed (录音)
- 2016-05-08 望子成龍Great Expectations for children (录音)
- 2016-05-01 聖靈的能力 Power of the Holy Spirit (录音)
- 2016-04-24 反思保羅起初的事工 Reflection on Paul’s Beginning Work, 姜祖忠 (录音)
- 2016-04-17 歸回與悔改 Return and Repent (录音)
- 2016-04-10 大牧人耶穌基督 Great Shepherd Jesus Christ (录音)
- 2016-04-03 為主而活 Living for Jesus (录音)
- 2016-03-27 你遇見主了嗎?Did you meet Jesus? (录音)
- 2016-03-20 前我失喪,今被尋回 I Once Was Lost, but Now Am Found (录音)
- 2016-03-13 利未記學習2:平安祭,與神共享的筵席 Peace Offering, A Covanent Meal Enjoyed with God, 林偉雄 (录音)
- 2016-03-06 蒙恩與饒恕 Do Unto Others, Rev. Clark (Listen)
- 2016-02-28 去,使萬民作主的門徒 Go Therefore and Make Disciples of All Nations (录音)
- 2016-02-21 神應許給我們的七個福分 The Seven Blessings that God Promised to Give Us (录音)
- 2016-02-14 其中最大的是愛 The Greatest of These is LOVE, 錢衛軍 (录音), (PPT)
- 2016-02-07 從歲首到年終 From the Beginning of the Year to Its End (录音)
- 2016-01-31 被囚而有指望的人 Prisoners of hope (录音)
- 2016-01-24 以史為鑑 Learning from History(录音)
- 2016-01-17 耶穌基督:君王及祭司 Jesus Christ: King and Priest(录音)
- 2016-01-10 你要保守你的心之五:合而為一的心 Guard Your Heart V: Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit, 錢雲(录音)
- 2016-01-03 神向你所要的是什麼?What does the Lord require? (录音)