2013年林牧师等的讲道 Sermons by Pastor Lim and Others

·         2013-12-29 馬其頓的呼聲 Macedonia Call, 郭牧師 (录音)

·         2013-12-22 耶穌基督是誰? Who is Jesus Christ? (录音)

·         2013-12-15 牧羊人的奇妙經歷 Shepherds' wonderful experience (录音)

·         2013-12-01 灵命成熟的基督徒生活 The Life of a Spiritually Mature Christian (录音)

·         2013-11-24 感恩的人生 A Life of Gratitude (录音)

·         2013-11-17 神已曉諭 God has Spoken, Rev. Clark (录音)

·         2013-11-10 宣道会的四重福音3:耶稣基督是医治之主The Fourfold Gospel 3: Jesus Christ is our Healer (录音)

·         2013-11-03 饶恕与和好 Forgiveness and Reconciliation (录音)

·         2013-10-27 宣道會的四重福音2:耶穌基督是成聖之主 The Fourfold Gospel 2: Jesus Christ is our Sanctifier (录音)

·         2013-10-20 宣道會的四重福音:耶穌基督是拯救之主The Fourfold Gospel: Jesus Christ is our Savior (录音)

·         2013-10-13 離棄罪惡 Turn Away From Sin (录音)

·         2013-10-06 心靈的世界 The World in Your Heart (录音)

·         2013-09-29 神是創造主---認識神(六)God is Creator --- Knowing God (VI), 郭牧師 (录音)

·         2013-09-22 不一樣的重建2 The Different Kind of Rebuilding 2(录音)

·         2013-09-15 不一樣的重建1 The Different Kind of Rebuilding 1(录音)

·         2013-09-08 神家的守望者 The Watchman in the Family of God (录音)

·         2013 退修会 Church Retreat 灵命的成长与成熟 Spiritual Growth and Mature

·         2013-08-30 幸福家庭的楷模, 李林靜芝師母 (录音Audio, 录像Video)

·         2013-08-31 认识主 To Know Lord,李秀全牧师 (录音Audio, 录像Video)

·         2013-09-01 爱主 To Love Lord,李秀全牧师 (录音Audio, 录像Video)

·         2013-09-01 跟从主 To Follow Lord,李秀全牧师 (录音Audio, 录像Video)

·         2013-09-02 What Does Life on Life Disciple Making Look Like? Rev. Richard Bush (录音, 录像Video)

·         2013-08-25 神阿,求你堅固我的手 Oh God, strengthen my hands (录音)

· 2013-08-18 归家的路 Journey to Home 李嘉恩牧师 (录音)

· 2013-08-11 生活的重建 Rebuilding of Christian Living (录音)

·         2013-08-04 聖經中的聖潔觀 The Scripture view on holiness (录音)

·         2013-07-28 耶稣和尼哥底母谈重生 Jesus Teaches Nicodemus You Must Be Born Again, 宋一陽老师(录音)

·         2013-07-21 神是創造主---認識神(五)God is Creator --- Knowing God (V), 郭牧師 (录音)

·         2013-07-14 危機與得勝Crisis and Triumph (录音)

·         2013-07-07 撒種與收成 Sowing and Reaping (录音1,2)

·         2013-06-30 职场宣教 Mission in Workplace (录音)

·         2013-06-23往普天下去,傳福音給萬民Go into All the World and Preach the Good News to All Creation 李亚丁牧师(录音)

·         2013-06-22 基督教会宣教史 The History of Evangelism李亚丁牧师(录音

·         2013-06-16 父亲的形象The Image of a Father (录音)

·         2013-06-09 见证永生上帝的子民Being an Ambassador of the Kingdom (录音)

·         2013-06-02 蒙福的渠道 Channel of Blessing (录音)

·         2013-05-26 属灵领导者的异象分享与实践The Spiritual Leader Shares the Vision and to Complete the Mission (录音)

·         2013-05-19 属灵领袖的素质The qualities of spiritual leader’s (录音)

·         2013-05-12 你的价值远胜过珍珠You are far more precious than jewels, 林師母 (录音)

·         2013-05-05 基督徒的自由Christian's Freedom (录音)

·         2013-04-28 坚定相信 Keep on Believing (录音)

·         2013-04-21 在生活困苦時依然信靠神 Trust God When Life Is Hard, Rev John Stumbo (录音)

·         2013-04-14 悔改與復興 Repentance and Revival (录音)

·         2013-04-07 权柄与顺服 Authority and Obedience (录音)

·         2013-03-31 复活的主 The resurrected Lord (录音)

·         2013-03-24 神是你的神--认识神之(四) God is Your God--Knowing God (IV), 郭牧師 (录音)

·         2013-03-17 神是耶和華-認識神之(三) God is Jehovah-Knowing God3, 郭牧師 (录音)

·         2013-03-10 祷告与复兴 Prayer and Revival (录音)

·         2013-03-03 真理是什么? What is truth (录音)

·         2013-02-24 神乃是烈火—認識神之(二) God is Consuming Fire—Knowing God (II), 郭牧師 (录音)

·         2013-02-17 我們神施恩的手 The Gracious Hand of Our God (录音)

·         2013-02-03 資訊時代所帶來的挑戰 The Challenges of the Information Age (录音)

·         2013-01-27 神是愛——認識神(一)God is Love—Knowing God (I), 郭牧師 (录音)

·         2013-01-20 攔阻與得勝Hinder and Triumph (录音)

·         2013-01-13 屬靈生命的重整The Restructuring of the Spiritual Life (录音)

·         2013-01-06 成長與成熟的教會A growing and mature church (录音)