林牧师等2012年的讲道 Sermons by Pastor Lim and Others in Year 2012

·         2012-12-30 你們要去!!! Go!!!, 郭牧師 (录音)

·         2012-12-23 保守你心 Guard Your Heart (录音)

·         2012-12-16 因有一嬰孩為我們而生 For a Child is Born to us (录音 1 2)

·         2012-12-09 甘心獻上 Freewill Offerings (录音)

·         2012-12-02 呼求神,尋求神 Calling and Seeking God (录音)

·         2012-11-25 讚美與感恩Praise and Thanksgiving (录音)

·         2012-11-18 感恩Give Thanks (录音)

·         2012-11-11 敬拜與靈命復興 Worship and Spiritual Revival (录音)

·         2012-11-04 敬拜中經歷神的大能(2) Experience the power of God in worship(2) (录音)

·         2012-10-28 敬拜中經歷神的大能Experience the power of God in worship (录音)

·         2012-10-21 調整上帝的新工具 Tuning God's New Instruments, Pastor Latzko (录音)

·         2012-10-14 敬拜人生(2) A life of Worship(2) (录音)

·         2012-10-07 敬拜人生 A life of Worship (录音)

·         2012-09-30 認識人(自己)Knowing Man (Self), 郭牧師 (录音)

·         2012-09-23 有次序的敬拜The Order of Worship (录音)

·         2012-09-16 新約的敬拜New Testament Worship (录音)

·         2012-09-09 This joint service of Richland Baptist Church and Chinese Alliance Church has two sermons: "One Savior, One Lord" by Pastor Hughes and "The Shortest Prayer" by Pastor Lim. Between the two sermons Haidi Tan sings "Near the Cross." (录音)

·         2012-08-31 to 09-03布道会和退修会,讲员张路加牧師






English speaker Pastor Perkins, Walk as Jesus walked (1), (2), (3)

·         2012-08-26 宣教的異象和熱情(三)Vision and Passion of Mission (III), 郭牧師 (录音)

·         2012-08-19 舊約的敬拜 The Old Testament Worship

·         2012-08-12 啟示與回應的敬拜The Revelation and Response worship (录音)

·         2012-08-05 來啊,我們屈身敬拜() Come, let us bow down in worship(2) (录音)

·         2012-07-29 宣教的異象和熱情(二)Vision and Passion of Mission (II), 郭牧師

·         2012-07-22 來啊!我們屈身敬拜 Come, let us bow down in worship (录音)

·         2012-07-15 堅固的信心 Firm in your faith (录音)

·         2012-07-08 火煉的試驗 Fiery Trial of Persecution (录音)

·         2012-07-01 忠心的管家 Faithful stewards (录音)

·         2012-06-24 宣教的異象和熱情Vision and Passion of Mission, 郭牧師 (录音)

·         2012-06-17 父親的角色 Father’s Role (录音)

·         2012-06-10 主愛激勵 Christ’s Love Compels us, 潘牧師(录音)

·         2012-06-03 時代的警惕與醒覺The Alert and Awakening at This Time (录音)

·         2012-05-27 儆醒Be Clear Minded (录音)

·         2012-05-20 心志上裝備自己Equip Yourself With the Mind Of Christ (录音)

·         2012-05-13 智慧的婦女 The Woman Who is Wise, 林師母(录音)

·         2012-05-06 丈夫,愛你的妻子 Husband, Love Your Wife (录音)

·         2012-04-29 十诫总结—西奈圣山XV, 郭牧師 (录音)

·         2012-04-22 第十誡(2)--西奈聖山XIV, 郭牧師 (录音)

·         2012-04-15 极美的妆饰 The Unfading Inner Beauty (录音)

·         2012-04-08 復活得勝主 The Risen and Triumph Lord (录音)

·         2012-04-01基督徒處世待人之道 Christian Inter-personal Relationship with Others (录音)

·         2012-03-25 第十誡--西奈聖山XIII, 郭牧師 (录音)

·         2012-03-18 尊敬与顺服Respect and Submission (录音)

·         2012-03-04 不一樣的生命 A Different Life (录音)

·         2012-02-26 第九誡(2)--西奈聖山XII, 郭牧師 (录音)

·         2012-02-19 身份!? Identity!? (录音)

·         2012-02-12 珍貴的活石The Precious Living Stone (录音)

·         2012-02-05 成長之路The Path of growing (录音)

·         2012-01-29 情緒與健康Emotion and Health, 林師母 (录音)

·         2012-01-22 成聖之路 A Life of Holiness (录音)

·         2012-01-15 新生命,新盼望 New Life, New Hope (录音1, 2)

·         2012-01-08 神朔造與使用的人 A Man Molded and Used by God (录音)

·         2012-01-01 全新的你A New You (录音)