2010年郭牧师等的讲道 Sermons by Pastor Guo and Others in 2010


·         2010-12-26你們要休息 Be Still (录音)

·         2010-12-19 為你們生了救主 A Savior Has Been Born to you (录音)

·         2010-12-12 當那日主耶穌會認識我嗎? Will Jesus Know me on that Day? 姜祖忠 (录音)

·         2010-12-05 中斷耶穌 Interrupting Jesus, Snyder (录音)

·         2010-11-28 神的護佑 The Providence of God (录音)

·         2010-11-21 從紅海邊到汛的曠野--成聖之路VIII From Red Sea to the desert of Sin--The Way of Sanctification VIII (录音)

·         2010-11-14 谦卑与悔改 ---- 蒙恩的微尘Humility and Repentance ---The Blessed Little Dust, 錢衛軍 (录音)

·         2010-11-07從以琳到红海— 成聖之路 VII From Elim to Red Sea --- Way of Sanctification VII (录音)

·         2010-10-31從瑪拉到以琳— ­成聖之路VI From Marah To Elim --- Way of Sanctification VI (录音)

·         2010-10-24從密奪到瑪拉— ­成聖之路V(4) From Migdol To Marah--- Way of Sanctification V(4) (录音)

·         2010-10-17從密奪到瑪拉— ­成聖之路V(3) From Migdol To Marah--- Way of Sanctification V(3) (录音)

·         2010-10-10古舊善道The Ancient Good Way, 胡大中 (录音)

·         2010-10-03 What Will Heal America, Pastor Micah Smith (录音)

·         2010-09-26虽然无花果树不发旺 Though the fig tree does not bud, 钱云 (录音)

·         2010-09-19从密夺到玛拉— 成圣之路V(2) From Migdol To Marah--- Way of Sanctification V(2) (录音)

·         2010-09-12从密夺到玛拉— 成圣之路V From Migdol To Marah--- Way of Sanctification V (录音)

·         2010-09-03~06退修會, 講員赵莉姐妹

1智慧人生 2人生的目的在于荣耀神 3在教会中荣耀神 4在婚姻中荣耀神 5在家庭中荣耀神

·         2010-08-29從以倘到密奪—成聖之路IV From Etham to Migdol--- Way of Sanctification IV (录音)

·         2010-08-22從疏割到以倘---成聖之路 III From Succoth to Etham---Way of Sanctification III (录音)

·         2010-08-15從蘭塞到疏割——成聖之路II From Rameses to Succoth —Way of Sanctification II (录音)

·         2010-08-08以神為中心的價值觀-我的好處不在主以外The God-Centered Value System-Apart from you I have no good thing, 錢衛軍 (录音)

·         2010-08-01逾越節當天出發---成聖之路 I Go! On the Day of Passover---Way of Sanctification I (录音)

·         2010-07-25成聖之路——屬靈生活之四The Way of Sanctification – Spiritual Life IV (录音)

·         2010-07-18有求必應For Everyone Who Asks Receives, 伍靖國 (录音)

·         2010-07-11追求聖潔—屬靈生活之三 Pursue Holiness—Spiritual Life III (录音)

·         2010-07-04自主與依賴Independence vs Dependence, Snyder (录音)

·         2010-06-27信心的程度The Level of Faith, 姜祖忠 (录音)

·         2010-06-20永不結束的故事The Never Ending Story, Pastor Jerry Marvel (Listen)

·         2010-06-13分別與同化-屬靈生活之二 Difference or Assimilation-Spiritual Life II (录音)

·         2010-06-06屬靈的生活 The Spiritual Life (录音)

·         2010-05-30信心-屬靈的眼睛 Faith the Spiritual eyes (录音)

·         2010-05-23認識屬靈世界 Knowing Spiritual World (录音)

·         2010-05-14面對苦難 Facing Hardship & Sufferings, 伍靖國 (录音)

·         2010-05-09母親的懷抱 Mother’s Bosom (录音)

·         2010-05-02 Check Your Brain...But Not At The Door! Pastor Marvel (录音)

·         2010-04-25屬靈生命的誕生Birth of the Spiritual Life (录音)

·         2010-04-18主所愛的,他必管教——奔跑之十 Lord Disciplines Those He Loves—Run X (录音)

·         2010-04-11愛是什麼?怎麼去愛? What is love? 郭振游 (录音)

·         2010-04-04死人復活的事真的有嗎? Is there Resurrection of Dead? (录音)

·         2010-03-28要思想… 免得疲倦灰心——奔跑之九 Consider…will not grow weary and lose heart---Run IX (录音)

·         2010-03-21仰望耶稣——奔跑之八 Fix our Eyes on Jesus---Run VIII (录音)

·         2010-03-14祷告的大能The Power of Praying, 錢云 (录音)

·         2010-03-07存心忍耐——奔跑之七 Run with perseverance--Run VII (录音)

·         2010-02-28脫去容易纏累我們的罪之二—奔跑之六Lay Aside the Sin That so Easily Entangles II—Run VI (录音)

·         2010-02-21你去照樣行吧Go and Do Likewise, Dr. David Lee (录音)

·         2010-02-14脫去容易纏累我們的罪——奔跑之五Lay Aside the Sin That so Easily Clings—Run V (录音)

·         2010-02-07溫柔之心的生命The Life of a Tender Heart, Pastor Micah Smith (Listen)

·         2010-01-31放下各樣的重擔——奔跑之四Lay Aside Every Weight - Run IV (录音)

·         2010-01-24見證如雲之二 奔跑之三Such a Great Cloud of Witnesses II – Run III (录音)

·         2010-01-17疑惑與不信Doubt and Unbelief, 錢衛軍 (录音)

·         2010-01-10見證如雲—奔跑之二 Such a Great Cloud of Witnesses – Run II (录音)

·         2010-01-03 新年的打算   New Year’s Plan - Run (录音)