Version |
name |
No. |
Author |
registration date |
Greeting from De Dau Alliance Church |
EV |
001 |
6.30.2011 |
Guidelines for the understanding of the
scriptures |
002 |
J.Vernon McGee |
A Dispensational Theology |
003 |
Charles F. Baker |
The Pastor's Annual |
004 |
William R. Austin |
Saint Augustine Confessions |
005 |
The Gospel and Its Ministry |
006 |
Robert Anderson |
The History and Character of Calvinism |
007 |
John T.McNeill |
The Disciple Making Pastor |
008 |
Bill Hull |
Jesus Christ Disciple Maker |
009 |
Bill Hull |
Gift Ideas for Elementary Art |
010 |
Jan Easton Kavanagh |
2500 Best Modern Illustrations |
011 |
REV. GBF Hallock |
Who Qualifies To Be a Church Leader? |
012 |
The Inward Journey |
013 |
Gene Edwards |
Messianic Prophecy |
014 |
Briggs |
God's Perfect Will |
015 |
G.Campbell Morgan |
Voices of Twelve Hebrew Prophets |
016 |
Life Problems |
017 |
The Ten Commandments |
018 |
God's Last Word to Man |
019 |
The Answers of Jesus To Job |
020 |
The Voice of the Fevil |
021 |
Hosea: The Heart and Holiness of God |
022 |
Malachi's Message For today |
023 |
The Parable of the Father's Heart |
024 |
The Spirit of God |
025 |
Fox's Book of Martyrs |
026 |
All For Jesus |
027 |
Robert L. Niklaus |
The Treasury of David Paalms 111-150 |
028 |
Charles H. Spurgeon |
The Treasury of David Paalms 58-110 |
029 |
A Garden's Promise |
030 |
Judith Couchman |
Expanded Concordance |
031 |
High Ground |
032 |
New Testament Introduction |
033 |
People On The Way |
034 |
The Greatest is Love (New Testament) |
035-048 |
Preparing for Adolescence |
049 |
Dr. James Dobson |
7.20.2011 |
The Christmas Book |
050 |
Richard Paul Evans |
Ruth |
051 |
Jesus |
052 |
Suffering and Hope |
053 |
Paul C. C. Szeto |
Changed into His Likeness |
054 |
Watchman Nee |
Luther and His World |
055 |
Graham Tomlin |
The book of Prayers |
056 |
1989 Manual of The Christian and
Missionary Alliance |
057 |
The great Controversy Between Christ and
Satan |
058 |
"Once a Drug Addict" The Story
of the WU OI Gospel Drug Program in Hong Kong |
059&060 |
Harold D. Schock |
Know Why you believe |
061 |
Psul E. Little |
God's Incomparable Word |
062 |
Harold Lindsell |
Learning to Let Go |
063 |
Carol Kuykendall |
10 talks to Christian Teens |
064 |
Margaret Anderson |
Grace upon Grace |
065 |
James Y.K.Tan |
Demons Defeated |
066 |
Bill Subritaky |
Tithing A Call to Serious, Biblical
Giving |
067 |
R.T.Kendall |
Love Life for Every Married Couple |
068 |
Ed Wheat, M.D. |
Your Spiritual Gifts Can Help Your Church
Grow |
069 |
C. Peter Wagner |
The Contemporary Tweleve |
070 |
Walter L.Underwood |
PNW Missionary Connections (2001-2002) |
071 |
Twin Reflections |
072 |
Janice and Faye Rostvit |
Success, Motivation, and the Scriptures |
073 |
William H. Cook |
Webster's Dictionary and Roget's
Thesaurus |
074 |
Teen Power Thru Christ |
075 |
Questions Ask your Mormon Friend |
076 |
Bill McKeever, Eric Johnson |
Oneness and Brotherly Love |
077 |
Stephen Kaung |
Being Happy! |
078 |
Andrew Matthews |
PNW 2004 Directory |
079 |
Best Sermons |
080 |
C. Paul Butler |
Major Bible Themes |
081 |
Lewis Sperry Chafer |
Praying in Spirit |
082 |
Stanton W. Richardson |
All For Jesus |
083 |
Oswald Chambers: Abandoned To God |
084 |
David McCasland |
The Hand on My Scalpel |
085 |
David C. Thompson |
Plain Talk On the Minor Prophets |
086 |
Manford George Gutzke |
A Passion for the Impossible |
087 |
Miriam Huffman Rockness |
God's Hand in the Life of and Electrician |
088 |
Jimmy Yamada |
Competent to Counsel |
089 |
Jay T. Adams |
God's Errand Boy |
090&091 |
Axel Fredeen |
To China and Back |
092 |
Anthony G.Bollback |
Please Leave Your Shoes at the Door |
093 |
Corrine S. Sahlberg |
No Sacrifice Too Great |
094 |
Ruth Presswood Hutchins |
The Promise |
095 |
Virginia Jacober |
Journey To Joy |
096 |
Marie Ens |
To Vietnam With Love |
097 |
Charles E. Long |
In Peril on the Sea |
098 |
Robert Bell and D. Bruce Lockerbie |
Tears for The Smaller Dragon |
099 |
Jean Livingston |
Beyond The Mist |
100 |
David Thompson |
Heartbeat For th World |
101 |
Lorene Moothart |
The Battle For Bali |
102 |
A. Rodger Lewis |
Out There Beyond Beyond |
103&104 |
Edward W. Ulrich |
The Arabian Call |
105 |
Marjorie Breaden Farrell |
Stone Age Diary |
106 |
John and Janine Schultz |
Choosen For a Special Joy |
107 |
Jean L.Andrianoff |
Giants Walked Among Us |
108 |
Anothony G. Bollback |
Larger Than Life |
109 |
Myra Brown |
Hope In The Hardest of places |
110 |
Louisa Graven |
God's grace to nine generations |
111 |
Ralph D Winter |
The Coming Prince |
112 |
Robert Anderson |
The silence of God |
113 |
Robert Anderson |
Vision His Glory |
114 |
Anne Graham Lotz |
How the Church Came Down Through The
Centuries |
115 |
Karl G. Sabiers |
Master Your Money |
116-118 |
Ron Blue |
Just Walk Across the Room |
119 |
Bill Hybels |
The Gospel of Mark- A Life Chaning story |
120 |
Max Lucado |
Imprisoned of Christ |
121 |
Michael P. Halcomb |
Janette Oke A heart for the prairie |
122 |
Laurel Oke Logan |
The spirit of Christmas |
123 |
Henry van Dyke |
Does God still love me? |
124 |
Mary Rose McGeady |
no more us&them |
125 |
Hoe shall we live? |
126 |
Charles Colson |
Christian Education |
127 |
Jim Wilhoit |
Parables (The Greates Stories Ever Told) |
128 |
John White |
Quest |
129 |
New Partners Old Roots |
130 |
Can We Talk About This? |
131 |
Jeffrey Bessler |
A Study of Issues Concerning Homoseuality |
132 |
Bible Code II The Countdown |
133 |
Michael Drosnin |
The Safest Place on Earth |
134 |
Larry Crabb |
Broken Things Why We Suffer |
135 |
M.R. De Haan, M.D. |
Giant Awakenings |
136 |
Thom S. Rainer |
Worship |
137 |
Evelyn Underhill |
Evangelism |
138 |
Sally Morgenthaler |
Our Church and Social Issues |
139 |
In The Gap -What it means to be a world
Christian |
140 |
David Bryant |
What the Gults Believe |
141 |
Irvine Robertson |
God's Psychiatry |
142 |
Charles L. Allen |
Voice from a Changing America |
143 |
Joseph S. Kong |
Voices on the Family |
144 |
Marilynne Foster |
Does God still love me? |
145 |
Mary Rose McGeady |
Good News for Modern Man |
146 |
The Torn Veil |
147 |
Notes From China |
148 |
Barbara W. Tuchman |
I want to Be Like You, Lord |
149 |
Berry Steele Everett |
Team Ministry |
150 |
Larry Gilbert |
You're My Best Friend, Lord |
151 |
Lois Walfrid Johnson |
The Magnificent Vision |
152 |
Lloyd John Ogilvie |
The Contemporary Tweleve |
153 |
Walter L.Underwood |
Do you sometimes Feel Like a Noody |
154 |
Im Dtafford |
Recommended Reading |
155 |
The Christian Healing ministry |
156 |
Morris Maddocks |
Topical Memory System |
157 |
Leap over a Wall |
158 |
Eugene H. Peterson |
Weak Thing in Moni Land |
159 |
William A. Cuttts |
Out of My Life and Thought |
160 |
Albert Schweitzer |
Legacy of a Pack Tat |
161 |
Ruth Bell Graham |
Storm Warnings |
162 |
Billy Graham |
The Torch of the Testimony |
163 |
John W. Kennedy of India |
Where are you, Lord? |
164 |
Mary Ann Kerl |
Have-a-Blast Games |
165 |
Hands-on service Ideas for youth Groups |
166 |
400 Questions and Answers on The Bible |
167 |
The Gospel According to Peanuts |
168 |
Robert L. Short |
Teaching and Practice on Marriage,
Divorce, and Remarriage |
169 |
J.I.Packer A Biography |
170 |
Alister McGrath |
Twice Born and Then?Andrew Gin |
171 |
J.Edwin Orr |
Life-style Evangelism |
172 |
Joseph C. Aldrich |
Streams of Living Water |
173 |
Marin Marty |
The Confessions of Saint Augustine |
174 |
Where is God when it hurts |
175&176 |
Philip Yancey |
Before I sleep (The last days of Dr. Tom
Dooley) |
177 |
James Monahan |
The Bethany Parallel Commentary on the
old Testament |
178 |
On Call |
179 |
David C. Thompson |
The Touch of Jesus |
180 |
Paul Eshleman |
Prayer Connection |
181 |
PNW Directory Oct.2000 |
182 |
PNW Directory Nov. 2001 |
183 |
Augustine of Hippo |
184 |
Christ as Lord |
185 |
Connecting |
186 |
Larry Crabb |
More than Conquerors |
187 |
The Institutes of Christian Religion |
188 |
Tony Lane |
Mormonism 101 |
189 |
Bill McKeever, Eric Johnson |
A History of God |
190 |
Karen Atmstrong |
My Utmost For His Highest |
191 |
Oswald Chambers |
a shepherd looks at Psalm 23 |
192 |
George Whitefield |
193 |
Arnold Dallimore |
The cloud of unknowing |
194 |
William Johnston |
Jewish Bishop and the Chinese Bible |
195 |
Brill |
George Whitefield |
196 |
Arnold Dallimore |
The Lost Books of The Bible and The
Forgotten Books of Eden |
197 |
The Heavenly Man |
198 |
Brother Yun and Paul Hattaway |
Cruden's Handy Concordance to the Bible |
199 |
Give Me and Answer-That Satisfies My
Heart and My Mind |
200 |
Cliffe Knechtle |
Pray Connection 2003-2004 |
201 |
The Language of Love |
202 |
Gary Smalley & John Trent |
Here I Stand A Life of Martin Luther |
203 |
Master Your Money |
204&205&206 |
Ron Blue |
Love for a Lifetime |
207&208 |
James C. Dobson |
A Mother's Sourcebook of Inspiration |
209 |
Eleanor Doan |
Just a taste of Honey |
210 |
Morline Rendall |
The Time Grammar Guide |
211 |
God Has Spoken |
212 |
J.I.Packer |
Not I But Christ |
213 |
Watchman Nee |
Renew My Heart |
214 |
Wesley |
The Pilgrim's Progress |
215 |
John Bunyan |
The Stranger on The Road to Emmaus |
216 |
John R.Cross |
donated by Zhixin Tian |
How to Study Your Bible |
217 |
Kay Arthur |
the Roots of Endurance |
218 |
John Piper |
Discovering The Bible |
219 |
Gordon L. Addington |
My Wild Kingdom |
220 |
Martin Perkins |
God is the Gospel |
221 |
John Piper |
Ten Commandments Twice Removed |
222 |
Danny Shelton-Shelley Quinn |
donated by Pastor Guo |
The Case For Christ |
223 |
Lee Strobel |
The Christian's Secret of A Happy Life
For Today |
224 |
Catherine Jackson |
The Other Comforter(Practical Studies on
the Holy Spirit) |
225 |
Theodore H. Epp |
Mid-Course Correction |
226 |
Gordon MacDonald |
Reflections of God's Glory |
227 |
Corrie ten Boom |
Chicken Soup for the Golden
Soul |
228 |
Jack Canfield, Mark V. Hansen,
Paul J. Meyer, Barbara
T.Chesser, Amy Seegar |
Chicken Soup for the Golden Soul |
229,230 |
Jack Canfield, Mark V. Hansen |
Chicken Soup for the Golden
Soul (3rd serving) |
231 |
Jack Canfield, Mark V. Hansen,
Paul J. Meyer, Barbara
T.Chesser, Amy Seegar |
Humanity and Modern Social Thought |
232 |
P.R. Cuzzort, E.W. King |
Islamic Imperialism A History |
233 |
Efraim Karsh |
A Popular Survey Of The Old Testament |
234 |
Morman L. Geisler |
The Quest Study Bible I Peter |
235 |
More to This Life |
236 |
Adventuring Through Joshua,
Judges, And Ruth |
237 |
Ray C. Stedman |
Sample God's Word |
238,239 |
Studies In The Book of Acts |
240 |
arranged by Grace Saxe |
No Greater Poweer |
241 |
Richard C. Halverson |
Unto the Hills |
242 |
Billy Graham |
When Your Rope Breaks |
243 |
Stephen Brown |
A New Guide to Rational Living |
244,245 |
Albert Ellis, Robert A. Harper |
Celebration of Angels |
246 |
Timothy Jones |
With God by Your Side…You
Never Have to Be Alone |
247 |
Susan Plolis Schutz |
Bible Study Guides (Volume Three the
Gospel According to John) |
248 |
Bertram Lim |
Practical Discipleship |
249 |
Bertram Lim |
In His Steps |
250 |
Barbour Publishing |
Please Help Me, God |
251 |
Sister Mary Rose McGeady |
Why Do I Always Play It So Safe? |
252 |
Evelyn Bence |
Celebration of Discipline |
253 |
Richard J. Foster |
Christ Seeks ASIA |
254 |
Voice from a Changing America |
255 |
Joseph S. Kong |
the Summarized Bible |
256 |
Keith L. Brooks |
Finding Peace Within a Book
for People in Need |
257 |
L. Munilla C.E. Wheeling |
The Church Deceived |
258 |
Martin "Red" Beckman |
Living Psalms and Proverbs |
259 |
Kenneth N. Taylor |
Know What You Believe |
260 |
Paul E. Little |
Together We Can (Deal With
Life In The 80's) |
261 |
Ron Jenson |
The Lamb's Supper |
262 |
Scott Hahn |
Soon-Coming World-Shaking
Event! |
263 |
Bible Study Guides (Volume One Lessons
for Living) |
264 |
Bertram Lim |
The Making of the NIV |
265 |
Kenneth L. Barker |
Armageddon, Oil and the Middle East
Crisis |
266 |
John F. Walvoord |
Bible Names |
267 |
Linda Francis |
44 Ways to Expand the Financial Base of
Your Congregation |
268 |
Lyle E. Schaller |
Do-It-Yourself Bible Studies
269 |
Irving Jensen |
Leader's Guide |
270 |
Beveloped by Churches Alive |
Creation and Change |
271 |
Douglas F. Kelly |
A Life With Purpose |
272 |
George Mair |
Exploring the Philosophy of
Religion |
273 |
David Stewart |
User Friendly Churches |
274 |
George Barna |
Then Sings My Soul |
275 |
Robert J. Morgan |
Anglican Theological Review |
276 |
When Catholics Die |
277 |
Richard Noll |
The Alpha Course |
278 |
Nicky Gumbel |
Searching Issues |
279 |
Nicky Gumbel |
Marriage and Family |
280 |
De. James Dobson |