三镇华人宣道会图书借阅管理说明 |
1.借阅:在登记薄上(位于书架最右边,蓝色夹子)登记书名,借阅人姓名等。期限为1个月,每次借阅不超过5本(如超过5本,请联系管理员)。 |
2.续借:可续借一次,期限为一个月,并请在登记薄上注明。 |
3.归还:请如期归还,将图书放在贴有“还书处”标志的盒子里(管理员会统一检查放回相应的位置),并在登记簿上写明归还日期。 |
和 English Books英文书籍(英文书籍没有分类) |
5.赔偿:若图书损坏,影响阅读或者图书丢失,请赔偿。 |
xugangying@gmail.com |
(手机) |
图书在教会fellowship hall的书架上,欢迎大家踊跃借阅!自动自觉遵守管理说明!谢谢合作! |
三镇华人宣道会图书馆 |
Regulations of
TCCAC Library Loan |
1. Borrow: Put down the book name along with the borrower’s name
in the blue-cover register book on the most right of the book shelf. Up to
five books can be borrowed at one time, which can be kept for no longer than
one month. If borrowers need more than five books, please turn to the
librarian. |
2. Renew:
Each book can be renewed once with the extension time of no longer than one
month, but indication in the register book is required. |
3. Return: Please return books in time and place them in the box
labeled "returned books". (The Librarian will check the books and
put them back). Be sure to write down the returning date in the register
book. |
4. Search
(www.tccac.org): After clicking the English Books tab (lower left of the
excel file), you may find a book with the search term of a book name, author
or publisher. |
Compensation: Any book with major damage or loss should be paid back. |
6. Any
suggestions, comments or questions, please contact the librarian: Gangying
Xu. Email: xugangying@gmail.com cell phone: (404)-376-0069 |
All books are placed on the book shelves in the fellowship hall
of the church. Everybody is welcome to borrow books from our library! Please
comply with the regulations! Thank you for your cooperation!
TCCAC Library |